A4E CEOs urge EU to prioritise SAF

European airline trade association Airlines for Europe (A4E) has called on the European Union to prioritise the development of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) by making the much-needed investment to ensure its deployment as a key component of the aviation sector’s decarbonisation strategy.
In a statement released today, A4E CEOs emphasised the need for increased investment in SAF research, development, and production. They argued that the annual investment of €61bn required between 2030-2050 to decarbonise aviation would be significantly more achievable with a focus on SAF.
The CEOs also called for the inclusion of aviation in the new Clean Industrial Deal to accelerate the production and reduce the cost of SAFs. They highlighted that bringing down the price gap between SAFs and conventional jet fuel is essential for ensuring that the sector meets its ambitious climate goals while remaining globally competitive.
Furthermore, A4E emphasised the importance of creating a level playing field for SAF producers and ensuring that the regulatory framework supports the growth of the SAF industry. They called for clear policies and incentives to encourage investment in SAF production and infrastructure.
By prioritising SAF, the EU can play a leading role in decarbonising the aviation sector and ensuring a sustainable future for European aviation.