S-Oil secures ISCC certification to produce SAF in S. Korea

S-Oil announced that it has received the International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), the ISCC EU and the ISCC PLUS approvals to produce sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in South Korea.
The company said that with the acquisition of international certification to produce SAF that meets CORSIA requirements for the first time in Korea, it can contribute substantially to protecting land through the use of bio-based raw materials and conserving biodiversity, not to mention cutting greenhouse gas emissions aviation.
Earlier in January this year, the company began to include bio-based feedstocks such as used cooking oil, byproducts of the palm oil, and waste plastic-based pyrolysis oil into the refining and chemical processes to produce low-carbon energy and eco-friendly chemical products.
S-Oil said that it will co-process crude oil, bio-based feedstocks, and waste plastic-based pyrolysis oil in the existing refining process to produce biofuels with low carbon intensity such as sustainable aviation oil and next-generation biodiesel as well as bio-based petrochemical feedstocks such as naphtha and polypropylene.
The company received approval after successfully demonstrating co-processing of waste plastic-based pyrolysis oil in July 2023 and bio-based feedstocks in December 2023 as part of the South Korean government’s regulatory sandbox program.
It plans to expand the volume for eco-friendly products by assessing yield changes in the product portfolio and the impact on the production processes while adjusting the mix ratio of new alternatives such as bio-based feedstocks and waste plastic pyrolysis oil over the next two years.
The ISCC EU allows firms to export biofuels in the European market.
The ISCC PLUS is a voluntary certification system for the use of sustainable biomass and circular resources.