CleanJoule announces SpaceSAF
Salt Lake-based sustainable aviation fuel developer CleanJoule announced the launch of SpaceSAF, a drop-in replacement fuel for traditional rocket propellants for super refined kerosene fuels used in liquid rockets (Rocket Propellant 1/RP-1 and RP-2).
The company said that SpaceSAF offers a 4% improvement in energy density compared to existing petroleum-based fuels. This efficiency boost will improve payload capacity for rockets.
In addition to liquid fuel advancements, CleanJoule is also developing a superior, sustainable solid rocket fuel (SSRF) that can be seamlessly integrated into existing solid rocket motors. This dual-pronged approach addresses the diverse needs of the space industry, encompassing both liquid and solid rocket propulsion systems.
“It’s well known that the climate impact of aviation emissions is multiplied when that fuel is burned in the stratosphere. As an industry, we have a responsibility to take the lessons we’ve learned in aviation and apply them to space exploration before environmental damage is done,” said Mukund Karanjikar, CEO and founder, CleanJoule.
“Space exploration is an exciting category with massive potential for many industries; it also plays an important role in preserving our national security. In the process of tapping that potential we must carefully consider the enabling technologies including versatile and ‘green’ rocket fuels, such as SpaceSAF, to ensure the most sustainable growth and outcomes.”
The company said it is planning to capitalise on expanding space propulsion market for both low Earth orbit and geosynchronous orbit missions.
The market for space propulsion is expected to surpass $11bn by 2032 and will continue growing at approximately 7% each year due to increased development and utilisation of government and commercial launch vehicles.