The SAF Podcast: Biomass, burgeoning land economies and “the whole buffalo”
This episode Oscar sits down with Wendy Owens of Hexas Biomass. Wendy, a trailblazer with a captivating career journey, unveils the potential of Xanograss and the Xanofiber it creates which can be used for sustainable construction and as a biofuel feedstock. Her insights offer a flight path into how non-food, second-generation bioenergy crops could revolutionise the SAF supply chain and fulfill the soaring global energy demands.
Wendy articulates the significance of maximising every part of the Xanograss to enhance cost efficiency in SAF production, exploring Wendy’s mantra of ‘using the whole buffalo’ in biomass optimisation. Our conversation navigates through the strategic partnerships Hexas is cultivating with growers, ensuring their profitability and the sustainability of local economies. We spotlight the local nature of biomass production, ensuring that the Xanograss doesn’t roam far from home—preferably within 60 miles of its utilisation, encompassing partnerships spanning the U.S. and Europe.
We then address the rewilded lands and the burgeoning bioeconomy Xanograss can help sustain. Wendy shares her vision for regenerating lands degraded by exploitation, where the cultivation of bioenergy crops can reinvigorate ecosystems and revitalise the local economies of Southeast Asia and northern Africa. By rewilding marginalised spaces and creating localized SAF production hubs, we spotlight a future where environmental restoration aligns seamlessly with economic growth and global energy transition.
If you enjoyed this episode, why not try our discussion with Natasha Mann, Future Energy Global: