Phillips 66 Humber, UK


Project: Phillips 66 Humber UK
Sponsors: Phillips 66 (NYSE: PSX)

Feedstock: HEFA – used cooking oils and animal fats
Process: Co-processed with renewable diesel
Location: Humber, North Lincolnshire, England
Customers: British Airways

Production start: 2018
First delivery: April 2022
Production: 800m gallons of renewable fuel

In April 2020 Phillips 66 delivered UK produced Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) to British Airways.

Phillips 66 Humber was the first UK refinery to make SAF at scale. “We were the first in the UK to co-process waste oils to produce renewable diesel, and now we are the first to produce SAF at scale,” said Darren Cunningham, Phillips 66 lead executive in the UK in April 2022 (pictured). “We’re currently refining almost half a million liters (about 3,000 barrels) of sustainable waste feedstocks a day, and this is just a start.”



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